this is us;
moments of hope & work & sleep & temptations to sink into our vices
this is us;
staring right in the face of what we have never stared right in the face of
this is us;
but like a movie, like a well rehearsed theatre play. not as villains, but mere protagonists who seem to always be oblivious of the plot
this is us;
committing to associations that will not matter & events we will dip
this is us;
swearing to never cry over spilt milk
this is us;
swearing to build character, build personality
this is us;
swearing to be the best versions of ourselves going forward
this is us;
taking one step forward & two steps back
this is us;
adoring the isolation from the world, adoring the solitude
this is also us;
craving the company of folks we can be free spirits with
this is us;
coping with the mechanics of the day, equipped to battle it out with the monsters in our heads at night
this is us;
making memories out of nothing
this is us;
living in the moment & then living in anxiety as soon as the future beckons
this is us;
fighting the bare minimum, but deep down, guilty of also giving the bare minimum
this is us;
dishing out love, dishing out hate, dishing out whatever the mood sways to
this is us;
misery loves company
this is us;
born, again
this is us;
this is us;
living, regardless …
thank you for reading! 💙